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Never again is NOW!
Neustadt Aisch Shines Colorful

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Bilder von: Tanja Simon

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Bilder von: Mirko Fryska

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Bilder von: Harald Munzinger

Never again is NOW!

We cordially invite you to join our rally in Neustadt an der Aisch. Under the motto: "Never again is now - Neustadt shines brightly", we are sending a strong signal together for diversity, tolerance and solidarity. Become part of this moving event and help shape a future without extremism and discrimination. Let's bring light into the darkness together - for an open-minded and inclusive society

Questions & Answers

The Alliance against the Right in the district of Neustadt / Aisch - Bad Windsheim is an association of people from the region who stand up against contempt for humanity, discrimination, exclusion, the denigration of our democratic constitutional state and right-wing narratives, such as the thesis of the allegedly planned "great exchange" or other conspiracy narratives. We stand for human dignity, human rights, for our constitution, our parliamentary democracy, our social constitutional state, for respect, tolerance and the preservation of our peaceful, tolerant society. The Alliance against the Right also supports the Alliance against Right-Wing Extremism in the metropolitan region.

There is no formal list of members. The alliance is made up of those who come together - in varying composition depending on the city or municipality - to support the goals of the alliance.

Right-wing extremist is a term that is primarily used by the offices for the protection of the constitution and must therefore be provable in court. This is why the AfD as a whole, for example, or right-wing populist claims that the people must "take back democracy", have not yet been classified as right-wing extremist. If we were to limit ourselves to right-wing extremism, we would therefore not be allowed to speak out against the AfD in Bavaria or at federal level, for example. The same applies to a restriction to right-wing populism. If we were only to speak out against it, this would not include a position against certain right-wing extremist organizations or right-wing conspiracy narratives. The term "against the right" should therefore be understood in the same sense that the Office for the Protection of the Constitution and politicians use it when talking about "networking meetings of right-wing forces", for example. The criticism repeatedly voiced that "anti-right-wing" engagement is directed against conservative-minded people does not apply. The democratic counter-position to progressive, social, liberal etc. is not "right-wing", but conservative. We are convinced that anyone who considers themselves to be on the "right" has a problem with differentiating themselves from enemies of democracy, liberal, parliamentary democracy and respect for human dignity and is therefore not conservative. Conservatives stand for the "firewall against the right", for human rights, for our constitution and the preservation of human dignity.

The Alliance against the Right is important for taking a clear stance against right-wing narratives, the denigration of our democratic constitutional state and contempt for humanity, discrimination and exclusion. It supports people in taking action to protect our democracy and our constitutional state and enables them to make contact with other activists.

The Alliance against Right-Wing Extremism in the European Metropolitan Region of Nuremberg sees itself as an independent network based on solidarity. Regardless of the political, social, religious, national or legal background of the individual members, the aim of the Alliance against Right-Wing Extremism is to resolutely oppose all forms of group-related misanthropy, in particular racism, anti-Semitism, antiziganism, Islamophobia, contempt for humanity and hostility towards democracy. The Alliance currently includes over 150 cities, municipalities and districts as well as around 300 civil society organizations and institutions. See also

This question must be answered by the state offices and the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution. For us, this classification is not relevant. What is relevant to us is that the party expresses itself in an inhumane, discriminatory and exclusionary manner that is dangerous to democracy. What is relevant to us is that members or supporters of this party pose a threat to the stability of our society, to objective, fact-based politics and, very specifically, to individuals. The policies and actions of the AfD (and other right-wing parties and organizations) endanger people who represent different political positions and goals or who deviate from the party's racist ideals due to their identity, origin, appearance, abilities, language, etc. As an alliance against the right, we oppose this.

The Alliance against the Right is not only against the AfD, but against all forms of contempt for humanity, discrimination and exclusion, against the denigration of our democratic constitutional state and right-wing narratives. We will not wait with our democratic commitment until the Office for the Protection of the Constitution has classified a party or organization as right-wing extremist in a court of law. If we hesitate too long, if we hold on too long to the fact that a party or organization has not yet been officially designated as right-wing extremist, there is a risk that by then right-wing politics will already have the country and our courts in its grip, damaging our institutions, our civil liberties and our welfare state. If we wait too long, the AfD, for example, will also gain influence over the offices for the protection of the constitution, so that it will no longer be possible for the party to be classified as right-wing extremist. And then we would no longer be allowed to speak out against right-wing extremist parties and organizations if we were to limit our commitment to them. It is therefore important to name the deliberate manoeuvring and normalization of right-wing forces in advance and to take action against them.

The criticism that is repeatedly voiced that "anti-right-wing" engagement is directed against conservative-minded people is not true. The democratic counter-position to progressive, social, liberal etc. is not "right-wing", but conservative. We are convinced that anyone who considers themselves to be on the "right" has a problem with differentiating themselves from enemies of democracy, with liberal, parliamentary democracy, with respect for human dignity and is therefore not conservative. Conservatives stand for the "firewall against the right", for human rights, for our constitution and the preservation of our peaceful, tolerant society. Anyone who feels addressed by the term "right-wing" should be aware that it is important to draw clear boundaries with enemies of democracy and to distance themselves from right-wing forces. Distancing oneself from the "right" is necessary in order to recognize, name and take action against the deliberate manipulation and normalization of right-wing tendencies.
